A Peaceful and Balance Life!
UBIHOM applies a compassionate language framework, developed in the 1960s, to connect individuals with their mind, family, friends, colleagues and the environment around them to achieve peace and balance. This blog uses that framework to show how it is applied to real situations.
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Trusting someone’s promise over their patterns
Trusting someone’s promise is hard when they have let you down and you notice a pattern. Use the language of choice to express your feelings and needs to continue having this relationship. This video shows you how.
Are you shutting down?
Learn why you are shutting down in conversations and learn how to change your mindset to create a connection with the other person.
Why we cannot hear others or be heard…
Evaluations such as denial of responsibility, moralistic judgments and others block compassion. Become aware of these evaluations and learn to express yourself using the Language of Choice.
Start your journey
UBIHOM’s objective is provide tools you can use to find peace and balance in your life and the world. Let’s make the world a compassionate place to live!